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The Most Important Elements of a Cybersecurity Strategy

Cybersecurity for Maritime Infrastructures

Today, cyberattacks on companies can easily cause damage in eight or even nine figures. Such attacks often take the form of spam e-mail, written with perfect spelling and grammar, that appears to have been sent by a colleague or a friend. The recipient is usually instructed to click a link or enter a password. And then it's already too late: The malware spreads throughout the company.

This blog article reproduces the presentation by Ralf Kempf at the event "Cybersecurity for Maritime Infrastructures" organized by Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e.V. ("Northern German Maritime Cluster", held October 30, 2019, in Bremerhaven).

Read full article in PORT LOGISTICS BLOGThe Most Important Elements of a Cybersecurity Strategy

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